At DignityHouston, all are welcome. You don’t need to pay dues, fill out a membership application or anything else to attend our services and be welcome there. Please be sure to sign in and give us your email address so we can send you our newsletter and keep you posted on important events.
That being said, there is another level of participation that we’d like you to consider. If you join DignityUSA and designate DignityHouston as your local chapter, you automatically become an official member of DignityHouston. That membership gives you a lot of benefits including:
- It gives you a voice in how DignityHouston runs and what it does. As a full member, you can vote in elections, serve on the Board of Trustees and Committees, and generally participate in the governance of the community.
- It funds the important activities of DignityUSA including media outreach, advocacy work on behalf of all LGBTQ+ Catholics, coalition work within the Catholic Church and LGBTQ+ community, and a host of other activities that make the world better for LGBTQ+ Catholics.
- Important publications of DignityUSA including the quarterly Voice, monthly Dateline, and Dignity News, all of which help to keep you up-to-date on what’s going on in the Catholic Church and LGBTQ+ community that’s critically important to you.
All of that only costs you $60 per year for membership, $10 of which comes back to us at DignityHouston.
You can join online at