DignityHouston is a lot of things, but most importantly, we are a community of lesbian, gay, transgender, bisexual, and queer Catholics and allies who support each other in our faith and work towards a day when we will be fully accepted by our Church. In the meantime, we try to fully celebrate life as we provide religious, sacramental, educational, social, and recreational services for our members. We hope you'll take the time to learn even more about us in the links below.
Mission, Core Values, Vision
Every credible organization is defined by its mission, core values, and vision — its rai·son d'ê·tre. There’s no better place to start learning about DignityHouston than with its mission, core values, and vision. If these messages click with you, you know you’re a good fit with us!
Mission and Vision of DignityUSA
Because DignityHouston is a chapter of DignityUSA, it’s also important to understand the mission and vision of its parent organization to understand it.
Catholic and LGBTQ+
The LGBTQ+ community is a constantly expanding one. It wasn’t long ago that most of us weren’t quite sure what “transgender” meant let alone knew who among us was trans. Now, we’re proud to work together for our common goals. What it means to be Catholic is changing just about as fast. But, what does it mean to be Catholic and LGBTQ+?
Our Community
DignityHouston is many things — a social organization, a group of people, a chapter of DignityUSA, but just what is the DignityHouston community?
Our Board of Trustees
Like most organizations, DignityHouston has a Board that is charged with its day-to-day operation — someone has to pay the bills! The Membership elects the Board of Trustees, and in turn, the Board provides leadership for the community. Find out who your Board is and what they do.
Legally Speaking
Over at Important Stuff, you can read all the legal documents that make Dignity/Houston, Inc. a real entity in the State of Texas, but it’s pretty boring stuff. We give you a synopsis here.
Intentional Eucharistic Communities
DignityHouston is an Intentional Eucharistic Community (IEC), a growing group of communities, some of which are LGBTQ+ but most are not, who strive to maintain their faith and worship despite rejection, disenfranchisement, and other dastardly things by their denominations. Just what are IECs?
DignityHouston History
DignityHouston grew out of the bigger gay movement that really came into national prominence with the Stonewall Rebellion in 1969. Founded in 1974, DignityHouston has had its shares of ups and downs through the years, but it has always been an important part of the LGBTQ+ scene in the Houston/Galveston area. Come share our journey!
Join DignityHouston
Now that you know about us, you’ll surely want to join us! Find out how.
Getting Involved
When you hear words like advocacy, education, worship, spiritual development — all the words that describe DignityHouston — you hear the message that DignityHouston is all about action. This is not a place where you come to a service, late, and sit in the back of the room quietly until time to sneak out. DignityHouston is all about doing things. Here’s how you can get involved.